Sausage ball w/ & w/o chili and cranberry sauce
Author: breesoseksi // Category: baking mix, bowl, chili sauce, cranberry, drain, fry, onions, plate, smoked sausage2 lbs of sausage (turkey even)
1 onion
1 can of cranberry sauce
1 bottle of chili sauce
1 ½ cup of Jiffy baking mix
1. Chop onion and rinse them off.
2. Put meat in a big bowl. Mix in onions and baking mix.
3. Once mixed together, make balls about the size of a golden dollar.
4. Put them in a baking pan.
5. About every 15 minute, shake the pan to make sure they don’t stick to the bottom.
6. Let them cook until they get dark brown. Not burnt. Drain grease when they are done.
7. In a small sauce pan, mix the chili sauce and cranberry sauce together.
8. Stir and let it come to a boil. Keep stir so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of pan.
9. Take a pick and dip them in the sauce and plate them. Or you can use a spoon with holes in the bottom to drain the sauce off and plate them.
10. You can even eat them without the sauce.
11. Now you can eat!
Source: Some Magazine…I forgot!
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